Friday 23 November 2012

Scott and Chris save the day.

Scott Henderson & Chris Hill had been instructed to erect flood boards on Woodbury Drive Norton, Worcester. On approach to the flooded area Scott & Chris noticed a lady stuck in a silver Fiat in some distress. Although advised not to enter flood water the guy’s decided to assist Vivian (72) of St. Dunstan’s Close, Worcester.
 Chris drove the canter vehicle as close to the fiat as possible, Scott then had to wade through the flood water to get to the vehicle. On arriving at the car Scott saw that Vivian was panicking and becoming extremely anxious, Chris had to reassure Vivian that she wasn’t going to be left.
 Scott lifted Vivian out of the car and piggy backed her to the canter where Chris was waiting to assist. Once Vivian was safe and dry in the van Scott returned to the vehicle to collect Vivian’s personal belongings. Chris and Scott then took Vivian home to St. Dunstan’s Close, where they made sure she was ok before leaving to return to flood duties.

Thanks go to both for doing the right thing, and acting as excellent ambassadors for Worcestershire Highways.

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